look who’s nine

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24 Responses to look who’s nine

  1. Linda says:

    Happy birthday! What a handsome fellow for 9 years old!!

  2. H.J. Hill says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Elaine says:

    Happy Birthday Mani! I hope there are lots of treats and long walks on your special day.

  4. Paddy Tobin says:

    Give that dog a bone!

  5. ceci says:

    Happy birthday – you look very wise.


  6. Joanne N. says:

    What a good doggo. Happy Birthday, Mani!

  7. Happy Barkday, Mani. Hope you receive lots of ear rubs and a few tasty treats. 🍖 🎉 ðŸĶī

  8. HURRAH HURRAH!!!! 🙂 🙂
    Happy 9th Birfday deerest Mani!!! May yore day bee as lovelee as you are!!!!
    Lookin gudd mee frend; lookin guud…….
    ~~~~head rubss~~~~BellaDharma~~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  9. Jacques says:

    Happy Belated-Birthday Mani! Wishing you a long and healthy life, filled with tummy rubs and long walks!

  10. mushysmom11 says:

    What a sweet face! Happy Birthday, Mani!

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